lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Cuando queremos comunicar o informar lo que otra persona ha dicho hay dos maneras de hacerlo . Utilizando el estilo directo o indirecto.

DIRECT SPEECH (Estilo directo)

Cuando queremos informar exactamente lo que otra persona ha dicho utilizamos el estilo directo . En este estilo es fundamental decir exactamente lo de otro, se coloca entre comillas y debera ser palabra por palabra.

Ej:  (Robert) I learn spanish 
        Robert said : " I learn spanish"

(Mary) I watch tv every day.
Mary said: "I wacth tv everyday"

REPORTED SPEECH (Estilo indirecto)

El estilo indirecto , a diferencia del estilo directo , no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. Principalmete para la utilizacion de este tipo de estilo , deben tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:

  • Se suprimen las comillas.
  • Se cambian los pronombres 
  • Se cambia el tiempo gramatical.
  • Se puede o no utilizar el pronombre (that)

Para hacer mención sobre lo que alguien ha dicho se usan verbos como : explain , promise, say, tell ... aunque los más utilizados son say y tell.

Ej: Robert  said (that)  he learned spanish.
Robert said he learned spanish.

He said that he drank coffe.
He said he drank coffe.

Para entender lo relacionado con estos estilos es fundamental tener en cuenta las siguientes caracteristicas 

                  Direct Speech                                                   Reported Speech
" I like coffee"                                                                                  He said that he liked coffe
(Presente simple.)                                                                                                                    (Pasado simple)
" I am writing the exercises"                              He said that he was writing the exercises
(Presente continuo)                                                                                                                (Pasado continuo)
"I gave you a flower"                                           He said that he had given your a flower
(Pasado simple)                                                                                                                         (Pasado perfecto)
" I have played basket"                                       He said that he had played basket
(Presente perfecto)                                                                                                                   (Pasado perfecto)
"I can draw"                                                          He said that he could draw
( Can)                                                                                                                                                  (Could)
"I will help you"                                                    He said that he would help you
(Will)                                                                                                                                                  (Would)

Nota ► Podemos utilizar tambien en el estilo indirecto el pasado de Tell → Told , con la condicion fundamental de que con este verbo se deben emplear los pronombres objeto , tales como : 

  • Me
  • You
  • Him
  • Her
  • Us
  • Them 
  • It

Ej: She told us that she was learning english.

Ejercicios de aplicación 

1. Cambie a reported speech cada una de las siguientes oraciones.

a. "She didn't remember her name". She said that she hadn't remembered her name.

b. "They won't take the exam tomorrow". She said that they wouldn't take the exam tomorrow.

c. "Pablo has brought a beautiful house". She said that he had brought a beautiful house.

d. " I can use the computer very well" She said that he could use the computer very well.

e. "My friends are working in the university". She said that her friends were working in the university.

f. "They studied very well to do this evaluation " She said that they had studied very well to do this evaluation.

    2. Yesterday you met a friend of yours , Charles . Here are some of the things Charles said to you.

  •      I am working in a big factory.
  • My boss is a good person 
  • My best friend Peter works very hard.
  • His wife has had a baby
  • I like to share with them
  • I dont know what his wife is doing 
  • You can come to the factory to talk with me

Later that day you tell another friend what Charles said . Use reported speech.
  • Charles said that he was working in a big factory
  • He said that his boos was a good person 
  • He said that his best friend peter worked very hard
  • He said that his wife had had a baby
  • He said that he liked to share with them
  • He said he didnt know what his wife was doing
  • He said that could come to the factory to talk with him.

Si deseas obtener una explicación mucho mas profundizada del tema abordado a continuación mostraremos un vídeo donde se podrá encontrar mucha mas información.


Integrantes : 
Nathalia Alejandra Recalde - Luis Miguel Capiño Rosero

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